
Borchard Road Extension

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* Re “Taking the Borchard Road Quandary to a New Level,” Ventura County Perspective, March 12.

This article made a quasi-humorous attempt to describe how Solomon, in his wisdom, might have resolved the conflict over the Borchard Road extension in Thousand Oaks.

The writer guessed that Solomon would have decided that one half of Borchard Road [should] be built at the city standard of a 5% maximum slope and that the opposite side [should] be built to the extremely dangerous 12% slope pushed by the developers and their attorneys.


That decision would only be acceptable if the city of Thousand Oaks only accepted the 5% side and told the developers and their attorneys that they, and not the city, would be liable for any lawsuits brought against them due to the hazardous conditions associated with any road gradient above 5%.

This is not a laughing matter. I see no humor in the City Council majority and some of the city staff being willing to approve anything above a 5% grade for the Borchard Road extension.


Thousand Oaks
