
Contention Over Jerusalem

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Re “Islam Claims Jerusalem Too,” Commentary, July 25:

Surely Riad Abdelkarim and Hussam Ayloush have not forgotten that when the Christian and Jewish religious sites in Jerusalem were “protected” by Muslims, Jews were not permitted access to the Western Wall, a Jewish site of primary importance. So much for Muslim protection.

It has become convenient and self-serving for the Palestinians to state their cause with half-truths and omissions. One very important reminder is that Jerusalem is presently under Israeli rule due to a dastardly attack on Israel by its neighbors. Israel won the war by defending itself, not through aggression.


Los Angeles

* I feel so terrible that the Mideast peace talks have broken down (July 26). Now we taxpayers will not be able to spend billions “buying peace” between the Palestinians and the Israelis. Wouldn’t it be nice if our government would use this money to build industries in ghetto areas all over this country, and then these gang members would be able to go to work instead of fighting? After all, if we have to buy peace, why not spend our tax dollars right here at home?



Huntington Beach

* In regard to Paul Conrad’s inflammatory July 24 editorial cartoon of a Star of David made of barbed wire: As a child of Holocaust survivors, I find this extremely offensive. It was barbed wire which was used to imprison Jews prior to their execution by the Nazis. How you equate barbed wire with a Star of David is beyond me. It is Israel that is making concessions to a thankless Arab world.


Aliso Viejo
