
Poll Finds Split on Gay Rights and Marriages

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From Associated Press

Just over half of Americans say gay couples should not be allowed to marry, according to an Associated Press poll. However, 41% say gay partners should have some legal rights of a married couple--such as inheritance, Social Security benefits and health insurance.

More women than men feel gay marriage is OK. So do more Democrats than Republicans, more young people than old and more people who feel gays are born with that sexual orientation.

The poll, conducted for AP by ICR of Media, Pa., found that 51% were opposed to allowing gay couples to marry, while 34% approved.


Half the respondents were asked the question a bit differently--whether they approved of allowing gays to form a “domestic partnership” that would give them the rights and benefits of opposite-sex marriage.

In that question, which did not refer to “gay marriage,” the number that approved allowing such a relationship grew to 41% while the opposition was 46%.

The AP poll found that at least half of Americans support the rights of gays to receive health insurance (53%), Social Security benefits (50%) and inheritance (56%) from their partners.


The poll of 1,012 people was taken May 17-21. Its error margin was plus or minus 3 percentage points, slightly larger for the split sample.

Gay marriage is a new concept to most people, said Evan Wolfson with the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, an organization that litigates for the rights of gays and lesbians. Wolfson tracks the progress of efforts nationwide to achieve gay marriage rights.

In April, Vermont became the first state to enact laws that allow gay couples to form “civil unions” with the same benefits and rights as civil marriage.


“Vermont has now given people an example of how the sky will not fall,” Wolfson said.

“We are looking at where we can move forward. Where the next breakthrough will come is not clear.”


Opinions on Gay Relationships

Americans are more accepting of gay partners having certain legal and financial rights than they are of gay marriage, according to a new Associated Press poll. Here are some results:


* In general, do you think gays and lesbians should or should not be allowed to be legally married?

Should: 34%

Should not: 51%

Don’t know, refused: 14%


* In general, do you think gays and lesbians should or should not be allowed to form a domestic partnership that would give the same-sex couple the same rights and benefits as opposite-sex marriage?

Should: 41%

Should not: 46%

Don’t know, refused: 14%


Note: The Associated Press poll on gay marriage is based on telephone interviews with 1,012 randomly selected adults from all states except Alaska and Hawaii. The interviews were conducted May 17-21 by ICR of Media, Pa., and the poll has an error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points, slightly larger for the split sample. Percentages don’t add to 100% due to rounding.

