
Poisoning Treatments Vary With Chemicals and Forms of Exposure. For Guidance, Call State Hotline

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Here are some first-aid tips for accidental poisoning:

* For inhaled poisons: Immediately get the person to fresh air. Avoid breathing fumes. Open doors or windows if this can be done safely. If the victim is not breathing, start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and dial 911 to summon paramedic assistance.

* For poisons on the skin: Remove contaminated clothing and wash the skin gently with soap and water. Continue to rinse the skin for 10 minutes.

* For poisons in the eye: Flood the eye with lukewarm --not hot--water poured from a pitcher or glass 2 to 3 inches from the eye. Repeat this for a full 15 minutes. Have the victim blink as much as possible while flooding the eye. Do not force the eyelid open. To immobilize a child, wrap the child in a bath towel or sheet with the child’s arms at his/her sides.


* If the victim is not breathing, is having seizures or has no pulse, call 911 immediately and administer CPR.

* If the poison is a powder, brush it off before flooding the skin with water.

* If medicines have been swallowed, don’t give anything by mouth until you’ve called the Poison Center at the number listed below. If chemicals or household products have been swallowed, administer milk or water immediately, then call the Poison Center.

* If a poisonous plant has been eaten, rinse the mouth and instruct the person to drink water. Save a portion of the plant for identification. Call the Poison Center. Watch for problems swallowing, breathing, increased drooling and skin irritation.


* Always keep on hand a 1-ounce bottle of syrup of ipecac for each child in the home. The substance, available at drug stores without a prescription, is used to induce vomiting. Use only at the direction of the Poison Center or a physician.

* The Poison Control hotline is: (800) 876-4766

* Public Hearing Impaired: (800) 972-3323 (TDD)

Statewide number to request poison prevention education materials: (800) 582-3387.

Sources: UCI; California Poison Control System
