
School Board Misses Deadline to Choose New Superintendent

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From a Times Staff Writer

The Los Angeles Board of Education on Monday failed to meet its self-imposed deadline to name a new superintendent of schools.

After meeting behind closed doors for about five hours, the board decided to continue deliberations today.

The candidates include George Munoz, the chief of a federal agency that helps businesses investing in developing countries; former Colorado Gov. Roy Romer, chairman of the Democratic National Convention; John Murphy, a former school superintendent in Charlotte, N.C., and an official from another school district whose name has not been made public.


The board aims to select a superintendent as early as today.

The board had hoped to make the appointment Monday so that the new schools chief could help interim Supt. Ramon C. Cortines select leaders for 11 local districts being created by a reorganization to take effect July 1.

Cortines said he will push ahead with the task.

“I’m not going to hold up the interview process,” Cortines said. “It starts Tuesday. Period.”

He expects to finish interviews with 24 candidates by Monday.
