
Citizen’s Advisory Panel Urged by O.C. Grand Jury

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Orange County should appoint a special citizens’ commission to advise the Board of Supervisors on matters pertaining to the public interest, according to a report released Tuesday by the county’s grand jury.

Such a commission, said a press release accompanying the report, would “embody the concept of community participation and involvement by providing [the board] with strong, independent citizen input regarding matters of major importance to the county.”

The idea was inspired by a similar group--called the Citizens’ Economy and Efficiency Commission--that has existed in Los Angeles County since 1975. Since established, the Los Angeles commission has published more than 128 reports, position papers, letters and associated documents.


Most of the L.A. commission’s reports contain recommendations on improving aspects of local government management, operations and policies to increase the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of local government.

According to the grand jury’s report--prepared by consultant Bruce J. Staniforth of Oxnard--the proposed Orange County commission would consist of 21 members appointed by the Board of Supervisors to reflect the “community, racial, cultural, economic and gender diversity” within Orange County.

“Clearly,” the report concludes, “expanded citizen participation will result in a stronger and improved government and community.”
