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Title: “The Best of NBA Inside Stuff” videotape

Price: $19.95

The show that is seen on Saturday mornings on NBC stations, “NBA Inside Stuff,” has been around for 10 years, and NBA Entertainment, the producers of the show, and USA Home Entertainment have collaborated on a 100-minute, two-pack videotape of highlights. The tape has been in most video stores since mid-May.

The host and executive producer of the show is Ahmad Rashad. The current co-host is Summer Sanders, and past co-hosts have been Willow Bay and Julie Moran. All are part of the videotape.

Rashad seems to have a sense of humor about himself. For instance, one segment shows how many times he calls a player, or anybody for that matter, his “main man.” But there may be too much of Rashad. There’s hardly a segment without him in it.


Those familiar with “NBA Inside Stuff” know it’s more about light-hearted features and bloopers than it is about hard-hitting and in-depth journalism, which one would expect from a show produced by an outfit called NBA Entertainment and owned by the league.
