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* Re “Boost Funds for Nurse Training,” editorial, June 8: Having just had open-heart bypass surgery, I wholeheartedly agree with your editorial about hiring more nurses. Hospitals are not what they used to be. This is what I experienced. When I needed help, it took minutes to an hour to get a nurse to come into my room. I was left alone in a chair in intensive care for 2 1/2 hours. Also, while I was in the hospital, one patient asked to be transferred to another hospital, another patient pulled out tubes and a patient fell.

I don’t blame the nurses. They are so overworked; they are suffering and so is the patient. If you should ever have to go to the hospital, hire a “sitter” or better yet a family member until the hospitals wise up and hire more nurses. Let’s hope Assemblywoman Sheila Kuehl’s bill on “safe nurse staffing” goes into effect soon.


Big Bear Lake
