
Racial Profiling

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* Re “Assembly Committee OKs Bill Aimed at Racial Profiling,” June 21: It’s sad but interesting to read about the extremes in police behavior--racial profiling and police avoidance of perpetrators of color (“Is Our Society Erasing the Thin Blue Line?” Commentary, June 21). Whether police behavior is one of too much involvement, as in racial profiling, or too little involvement, as in avoidance, both are based on stereotypes and fear. Both are inappropriate and harmful.

We must arrive at a system that is fair to all--to suspects, victims and the general citizenry. The bill aimed at racial profiling is only a partial answer to part of the problem. But it’s a good first step.


Los Angeles


Re Danny Bakewell’s June 18 commentary: I am a Mexican American living in L.A. who drives frequently and hasn’t been pulled over in years. Why? Because I obey the traffic laws and I keep my vehicle in good operating condition.


If one of Bakewell’s suggestions, that an officer not writing a person a citation would have to give the citizen a complaint card, was to become law then everyone would lose. Instead of letting people off with warnings, officers would issue citations to avoid complaints.

Mr. Bakewell, are you sure you are not involved in fund-raising and want the police to write more tickets to help raise revenue?


Los Angeles
