
Democrats’ Choices

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Vice President Al Gore’s selection of Commerce Secretary Bill Daley as his new campaign chief (June 16) has clearly upset organized labor, since Daley was a major legislative advocate of the North American Free Trade Agreement and the bill to normalize U.S. trade relations with China. Such a strategy seems counterproductive to me (since labor is a key Democratic constituency), but since the Democrats seem determined to go down this path, I would like to suggest that Gore also consider the following people to advise him:

Daniel Patrick “Benign Neglect” Moynihan, to fire up potential voters among minorities; Gov. Gray Davis as the poster boy for campaign finance reform, to reach out to those important swing voters who went for John McCain; President Clinton as advisor-in-chief on sexual ethics, to reestablish the women’s vote and capture those undecided soccer moms.


Culver City


Free trade is opposed by three-quarters of the American people, but it was forced upon us by the politicians we are told represent us.


Meanwhile, we are informed that billionaires on the Democratic National Convention host committee are asking Los Angeles to contribute $4 million of the public’s money for a one-week extravaganza. How about investing in our schools, public transportation, emergency services and some toilets for the homeless first?

We are living in an open plutocracy. Is it any wonder there will be thousands of demonstrators in the streets advocating a change in priorities this August? But will anybody’s voice be heard over the clang of corporate money falling into “our” representatives’ coffers?


Los Angeles


I don’t understand the campaign finance laws. They limit how much I can donate voluntarily to candidates I like, but they place no limit on how much I can be forced to pay to candidates I detest. I refer, of course, to the theft of my tax money to fund the Democratic convention. We need some Libertarians on our City Council to put an end to this tyranny!



Granada Hills


Re “Convention: Pay Up, L.A.,” editorial, June 19: The major television networks will hardly cover the conventions at all because they have become a nonevent, all hype and hoopla, with no more political significance than a Hollywood premiere (“Networks Tuning Out Conventions,” June 19). With the expanded primary system, the conventions’ primary purpose, selecting a presidential nominee, has long been usurped. Most likely, the vice presidential nominee will also be decided upon before the convention’s opening gavel is sounded.

Ask yourself if Los Angeles has no better use for $4 million than handing it over to a political party.


Los Angeles


Rather than Los Angeles donating $4 million to the DNC, the convention should be held on Al’s invention, the Internet, in a large chat room. Decentralizing the convention will foil demonstrators, make for zero travel expense and keep the convention mess at the delegates’ homes. Los Angeles will be saved from the expense, traffic and public service demands of the convention.



