
Human Genome Sweepstakes: A Sampling of Players

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Here’s a look at some biotech companies involved in human genome research and the development of drugs. Most of the companies are unprofitable and many have generated scant sales, but the sector has stirred tremendous investor enthusiasm because of the potential for scientific breakthroughs. Even with their recent rebounds, many of the stocks have come way down from their spring peaks. Which stocks do some of the sector analysts like? Michael Murphy, editor of the California Technology Stock Letter, recommends two of the best-known companies, Human Genome Sciences and Celera Genomics Group. “They both have so much intellectual property and so many big ideas,” he said. “They’re not cheap, but investors can tuck them away for three or four years and do quite well.” Jim McCamant, editor of the Medical Technology Stock Letter, said Isis Pharmaceuticals and Chiron, two stocks that have been “pretty much ignored” amid the hoopla, could be among the juicier investments. “I’d wait for price dips on a lot of the other genomics stocks,” he said. Genome breakthrough stories on A1 and A12.

Company: Celera Genomics

Ticker symbol: CRA

Headquarters: Norwalk, Conn.

52-week high: $276.00

52-week low: $7.06

Monday close and change: $114.00, -$13.00

Market cap (in millions): $6,407


The genomics unit of PE Corp. says it has completed a draft map of the human genetic code, the industry’s biggest breakthrough yet. Expected to lose $1.69 a share in its fiscal year ending this month.

Company: Isis Pharm.

Ticker symbol: ISIP

Headquarters: Carlsbad, Calif.

52-week high: 39.00

52-week low: 3.88

Monday close and change: 13.25, +38 cents

Market cap (in millions): 471


Seeking to develop treatments for AIDS, cancer, asthma and other illnesses using anti-sense technology. Because anti-sense stops protein replication, the genetic map is seen as a boon to companies such as Isis that can now theoretically home in on their targets.


Company: Chiron

Ticker symbol: CHIR

Headquarters: Emeryville, Calif.

52-week high: 71.03

52-week low: 20.00

Monday close and change: 47.94, +3.88

Market cap (in millions): 8,613


Seeking to develop products to treat AIDS, cancer, heart disease and hepatitis using gene therapy. One of the sector’s few companies already in the black, Chiron is expected to make 78 cents a share in calendar 2000.

Company: Axys Pharm.

Ticker symbol: AXPH

Headquarters: So. San Francisco

52-week high: 20.25

52-week low: 2.69

Monday close and change: 5.50, +13 cents

Market cap (in millions): 194


Specializes in designing drugs to target a specific protein, such as a gene involved in Alzheimer’s. Expected to lose 89 cents a share in 2000.

Company: Lexicon Genetics

Ticker symbol: LEXG

Headquarters: The Woodlands, Texas

52-week high: 27.13

52-week low: 8.00

Monday close and change: 25.63, +1.38

Market cap (in millions): 1,218


Traps genes to see how they mutate. This “functional genomics” company has a major deal with sector heavyweight Millennium Pharmaceuticals and will benefit from the expected surge in gene-based research, Murphy said.


Company: Hyseq

Ticker symbol: HYSQ

Headquarters: Sunnyvale, Calif.

52-week high: 139.50

52-week low: 2.75

Monday close and change: 38.75, +3.94

Market cap (in millions): 514


Identifies therapeutic targets for its partners using anti-sense technologies, like competitor Isis. Expected to lose $1.11 a share in 2000.

Company: Incyte Genomics

Ticker symbol: INCY

Headquarters: Palo Alto

52-week high: 289.06

52-week low: 16.44

Monday close and change: 89.31, -2.63

Market cap (in millions): 2,840


Markets genomics-related databases, software and services to the leading drug companies. One of the industry’s original companies, Incyte has sequenced numerous genes.

Company: Visible Genetics

Ticker symbol: VGIN

Headquarters: Toronto

52-week high: 119.13

52-week low: 8.88

Monday close and change: 39.94, -5.56

Market cap (in millions): 590


Makes automated DNA sequencing systems and diagnostic kits for analysis of genes related to disease. Competes with PE Biosystems (a unit of PE Corp., like Celera).


Company: Human Genome

Ticker symbol: HGSI

Headquarters: Rockville, Md.

52-week high: 232.75

52-week low: 19.38

Monday close and change: 143.38, -2.00

Market cap (in millions): 602


Seeking to bring to market drugs based on copying helpful proteins produced by human genes. Has 400 to 500 patents on genes, proteins and their medical relevance, according to Murphy. “When they came public [in 1993], I said it was like buying Coca-Cola in 1907-it was unstoppable, and it’s still unstoppable,” he said.

Company: Millennium Pharm.

Ticker symbol: MLNM

Headquarters: Cambridge, Mass.

52-week high: 158.00

52-week low: 16.38

Monday close and change: 121.50, +1.94

Market cap (in millions): 11,116


Gene research company working on treatments for heart disease, leukemia and other illnesses. Has assembled an array of genomics and drug development technologies, putting it in position to discover its own genes and rapidly develop drugs to fit those genes, according to Murphy. “They look at a specific disease, such as obesity. So they have fewer genes than Human Genome, but everything they have is relevant.” *

Sources: Times research, Bloomberg News
