
Vin Diesel

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The actor, writer and director, who appeared in “Saving Private Ryan” and was the voice of “The Iron Giant,” can currently be seen in “Boiler Room” and “Pitch Black.”

Let It Snow: You just caught me with this new weekend hobby. It is snowboarding. I just got three snowboards. I went snowboarding in 1997 once during the Sundance Film Festival in Utah. I ended up with a black eye. The binding came loose as I came down the hill. I slammed into the ice. After this weekend in Jackson Hole, Wyo., I am addicted. I am now going to go to Big Bear, Mammoth, Lake Tahoe. You name it. I’m going.

Take It Easy: I am going to start taking more vacations, even day trips. There are so many beautiful places on the West Coast. I want to take advantage of that.


New Digs: I just bought a house in the Hollywood Hills with a pool, and that’s going to change a lot of my recreational habits. I can really entertain and I can really, really, really, really relax now during the weekends, which is perfect. That is what I really wanted more than anything, because I have been in hotels more often than not. My weekends in the last couple of years have been more Sundays because of six-day workweeks. For the last five weeks, I have been doing press and traveling all over the place.

Pasta Perfect: I’ll be doing the cooking [when entertaining]. I am a pasta man. I am more a pasta man than anything else. I have this fettuccine Alfredo that will knock you on your butt. I have a friend who is actually a really good cook, and he kind of gives me little tips on how to prepare food. He was a chef back East.

Just the Classics: I rent a lot of movies. Not so much art-house movies. I am a classics guy. I love Clark Gable. I have seen most of his movies. Anything from the ‘50s he made is less my rhythm. I am more a “Honky Tonk,” “Possessed” and “Call of the Wild” fan.

The Gem: I love the restaurant Ca’ del Sole in the Valley on Cahuenga. They serve Italian food. They have the best warm chocolate cake.
