
Appreciation for Colombia’s ‘Betty’

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As a native of Colombia who gave up his citizenship to become a U.S. citizen, I constantly look back to see how my country of origin is doing. Unfortunately, Colombia’s strife--with the longest civil war in Latin American history, drug trafficking and a myriad of social inequities--tends to dominate what little coverage the print media gives it. For that reason, I was moved by the light piece titled “Colombia’s Beloved ‘Betty, the Ugly,’ ” (Feb. 20).

Few people know (myself included at times) how much Colombia has to offer, producing the likes of Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Nobel Prize-winning author), Ferdinand Botero (painter and sculptor) and, as noted in the article, television for the masses with a social conscience. To find a piece on something positive coming out of Colombia is refreshing and, for an instant, hope-filling--hope for a well-educated and cultured people trapped in a country that is a victim of its ancestry.


Laguna Beach


Thanks so much for writing about the popular program in Colombia, “Betty, the Ugly.” It’s nice to see the Bettys of the world are finally getting some recognition!



