
Motorcycle Club Member’s Death

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Re “ ‘Dynomite’s’ Last Run: Friends Remember Motorcycle Club Member Killed in Recent Fight,” March 6.

I tried to feel sympathetic for Dino Murphone’s sudden demise, as it seems The Times was attempting a human-interest story on the man. I couldn’t help but feel for the poor van driver instead. First he gets beat up by up to 20 biker guys and then they chase him to do who knows what? Can you imagine the helpless terror you would feel being chased by 20 guys wanting to punch you out, or worse?

What is the allure to be in a gang? To intimidate, assault and bully people only because they are outnumbered? This makes you a man? We now have thousand of little wannabe tough guys roaming the streets, who on their own couldn’t beat up my sister. But surrounded by their friends they’re flush with power.


I’m getting older and might be behind the times, but I was taught that real men, if pressed, fight their battles one on one. I guess other men just join gangs.


Newbury Park
