
Removal of Trees in Libbey Park

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* Re “Man Plants Himself in Ojai Oak to Protest Trees’ Removal,” March 16.

I hope the photo of John Christianson strapped to the trunk of one of the condemned Ojai oak trees was sent around the world. Although he may be mocked by some as a “tree hugger,” I was strangely and deeply moved by the picture. I saw two living beings in an intimate embrace, two of God’s creatures become as one. The sad and wistful look on John Christianson’s face pierced my heart.

It took daring and courage for him to scale the fence and climb the tree. It took a peaceful and passionate commitment to the sanctity of all creation for him to strap himself to the tree and stay there virtually immobilized for 15 long hours.

The city of Ojai cut two of the trees down the next day. John Christianson gave them just a brief stay of execution but I do believe his brave action brought us all closer to those oaks.




* What would the protesters be saying if a branch had fallen and a child seriously injured or killed?

A scoutmaster friend of mine was seriously injured when a branch from an oak tree fell during the night while he and his troop were camping [elsewhere]. His leg was broken in several places and he has had to use a cane ever since. If the branch had landed on his head--or one of the boys’--the results would have been tragic.

If the Libbey Park trees were diseased, removal was correct.


Thousand Oaks

* Since they are removing the oaks that mercifully camouflaged (at least partially) the ugly steel playground equipment in Libbey Park, I have a great improvement plan for downtown Ojai:


Paint those new arches adjacent to the park bright yellow; tear out the fountain and put in a small fast-food restaurant, then rename the whole thing “McDonald’s Plaza.”

This should give the tourists a real feeling of home away from home.



* Re “Good Old Activism Taking Root in Ojai,” Ventura County Life column, March 17.

To even imply that the people who care about trees do not care about human issues is an affront. Quite the contrary. Those of us who oppose the treatment of the Libbey Park oaks and the manner in which it was carried out do so because it suggests to us that the groups of humans you mentioned would be summarily executed in the same way if the bureaucrats and politicians involved had their way. We had all spoken out against the Ojai City Council when it decided that the best solution for the homeless problem was to take the homeless people who misbehave to jail.

Four of my friends were thrown in jail because they protested the destruction of the trees. Their pain and suffering makes me even more committed to eliminating the rush to follow orders, to use violence and force against trees and tree huggers and other harmless entities.


How a society treats those who cannot defend themselves indicates its true values. [The values reflected in this column] are questionable. Sarcasm, misrepresented as humor, emotionally harms and scars children. I am repelled by the cruelty shown by blaming innocent children for the decline of the oaks instead of the same so-called adult politicians and bureaucrats who caused it.


