
Prop. 22 Debate Continues

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Perhaps Shawn Hubler (“Why Was My Church on the Side of the Homophobes?” March 20) needs to realize that the Catholic Church’s energy and donations to preserve the institution of marriage between man and woman (a union that produced her life and that of her gay friend David) is just as legitimate as the small, but vocal, homosexual movement’s contributions to fight it. Prop. 22 won an amazing 61% majority, proving that people of all beliefs will no longer sit back and allow the covenant of marriage to be distorted to accommodate the whim of those who demand to have it their way.




Hubler’s column reminded me that there are still religious people who speak up for dignity, fairness and justice. After Prop. 22, this was easy to forget. Her commentary pointed out that the Knight initiative was nothing more than a wedge political crusade. There are consequences to such divisive politics; on March 19, the Rev. Fred Phelps brought his hysterical anti-gay campaign to a Long Beach church. It is no coincidence that this out-of-state preacher, who viciously protested at Matthew Shepard’s funeral, felt emboldened to visit California at this time.

The hate speech has already started to escalate, and anyone who voted yes on 22 should not be surprised. You reap what you sow.



Long Beach
