
Plans for a Valley City

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* Re “Group Unveils Its View of a Valley City,” April 26, and “Secession Group May Be a House Divided,” April 30.

On April 26, The Times reported that Jeff Brain, president of Valley VOTE, the Valley secessionists group, declared, “We intend to make a Camelot out of it.” I read “View of a Valley City” carefully. It is clear to me that they intend to parasitize existing Los Angeles facilities until they can set up a new government, i.e. jobs and power for themselves. He also added the need of independent Valley police and fire departments. We already have those, Mr. Brain.

The April 30 publication tells of Bobbi Fiedler, former U.S. representative and member of Valley VOTE, taking exception to the proposed wholesale transfer of more than one-third of the Los Angeles work force to the new city’s payroll.


If Valley VOTE prevails, these rebels without a clear cause could easily bankrupt the Valley!

Remember [former Treasurer Robert L.] Citron and Orange County?

Further, a “divorce” would diminish L.A.’s No. 2-city standing, a remarkable achievement with countless advantages for the entire area.

The Valley is not a rag doll for Valley VOTE to play with. It is historically a dynamic and integral part of L.A. since it was annexed in 1915 when William Mulholland shared water rights with the Valley.


Valley VOTE could be the political tornado of the century, destroying generations of effort and accomplishments.

This doesn’t sound like Camelot to me. It is my idea of hell.

Fellow citizens, rise up and tell them where to go!


Studio City
