
Marriage, Kids and Money

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If people would rather keep a semblance of independence and not commit to getting married, that’s up to them (“Unmarital Bliss,” by Michael D’Antonio, April 9). But leave children out of it. If you decide to take on the awesome responsibility of having and raising children, then you need to commit fully. Children deserve no less.

M. Adams

Diamond Bar


I was disappointed that D’Antonio completely missed the obvious reason that most couples don’t get married: taxes! Or school financial-aid benefits! Or child support!

Please, let’s not over-intellectualize most people’s reasons for not getting hitched. It usually comes down to money.


Angela Rockett Kirwin



Government benefits are a zero-sum game: If one group gets a benefit, it is the same as putting a tax on those who do not belong to that group. Giving special benefits to couples who live together would be the same as putting a tax on single people.

Richard Showstack

Newport Beach
