
A ‘Private’ Lady Strikes a Very Public Pose

Looks like the rumors are true. Darva Conger has posed nude for Playboy magazine, according to Reuters. Yes, the same Darva Conger who pleaded with the American people to respect her privacy on national TV in the wake of Fox network’s “Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire?” fiasco.

Christie Hefner, chief executive of Playboy Enterprises, told the company’s annual shareholders meeting Wednesday that Conger has posed for the magazine’s photographers.

Conger married Rick Rockwell in front of 22 million television viewers on Feb. 15. The show triggered a national scandal when allegations of violence in Rockwell’s past surfaced. Conger was granted an annulment from a Las Vegas court last month.


Hefner did not say which issue the photos were for.


It seems everyone wants a piece of Julia Roberts’ cleavage these days. On Wednesday, I reported that the Ultimo silicone gel-filled bra hit stores Tuesday, spawning a shopping frenzy. Fashion Wire Daily, an online publication, had called it the “Erin Brockovich bra,” which I duly repeated.

Well . . . the Ultimo bra may give great cleavage, but it wasn’t used in “Erin Brockovich,” according to the film’s costume designer, Jeffrey Kurland.

“No one brand-name bra was used for ‘Erin Brockovich,’ ” he said. “They were all created in the shop.”


Kurland said he pieced together the bras with “a combination of materials” but would not elaborate. “It’s mine,” he explained.

A Saks spokesman said the error has cropped up in a number of reports and emphasized that Saks is not the source. He did add, however, that the Ultimo could give women “a similar look” to Roberts’ in the film.


Cyberwood’s big night is here. The fourth annual Webby Awards begin this evening at 6:15 in San Francisco, but you can watch the show live at


The awards for the Web’s best sites are presented by the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences, an organization of 350, including David Bowie, Francis Ford Coppola, Robin Williams, Matt Groening, Arianna Huffington and Geraldine Laybourne.

Coil-shaped Webby statuettes will be presented in 27 categories, including activism, art, fashion, humor, living and weird.

My favorite cyber celeb, Mahir Cagri, is nominated in the “weird” category for his “I Kiss You” site ( Since I plan to attend, I hope the studly Turk will be there. Bet he looks smashing in a tux!


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