
George W. Bush

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* Re “Now, Brought to You by Those NRA Folks: Bush,” Commentary, May 9: Robert Scheer is right on target. The Grand Old Party is indeed married to the National Rifle Assn. They should be referred to as the GOP/NRA.

I don’t think there is any doubt that if George W. Bush becomes president in November the White House will be strongly influenced, if not controlled, by Moses and the NRA. Look at the Bush record in Texas. Any chance for meaningful arms control will be out the window. I don’t like Al Gore, but in light of the alternative on this and other issues, there is no other choice.




* Scheer in his hatred for Bush is so far left he makes socialists look like Republicans. When most victims are killed by persons who violate existing laws, what good are additional laws? When 90,000 persons a year are accidentally killed in hospitals, why not go for better hospital laws? When 6,000 children die by riding with drunk drivers, why not go after drunks? The reason why is Scheer’s hatred of Republicans.


In the same issue, you report on President Clinton fighting to keep his law license in Arkansas. Here is a president who doesn’t respect the laws and Scheer will not attack the president.

By the way, I am not a member of the NRA.


San Clemente


* Re “Gore Calls GOP Rival Bush a Pawn of NRA,” May 5: As much as Gore (and The Times) would like to crush the NRA, the fact is that the NRA has gained 700,000 members since Columbine, no doubt in response to the Clinton/Gore/Brady attacks on the 2nd Amendment. The NRA now has 3.5 million people in its ranks, people who see how Congress passed a trigger-lock law, but Clinton vetoed it because he wanted a 72-hour check at gun shows (presumably, to kill gun shows) instead of 24 hours.

A Bush White House would see him a knight or bishop of the NRA, not a pawn. In a Gore White House, law-abiding gun owners would be pawns in a game that hopes to rewrite the Bill of Rights.



