
Who’s at Fault for Incident at the Unfriendly Confines?

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As a longtime Chicago Cub fan, I have no use for those so-called “fans” who use the game as an excuse to get drunk and harass the visiting team. However, I am outraged that several Dodgers took matters into their hands. By charging into the stands and throwing punches, they put innocent people at risk. Before things got out of hand, why didn’t the Dodgers ask security to haul the louts out of the ballpark? But no, it was more macho to start a brawl. For shame!

DAVID P. GRAF, Chicago


If you are a millionaire baseball professional, you should be able to think on your feet, right? After all, you’ve been in some high-pressure situations before. Therefore, it should be a “no-brainer” to decide: 1. Ignore the fan; 2. Buy a new cap; 3. Don’t go into the stands after the rowdy fan, because: a. I could get hurt and ruin my career; b. I might hurt someone else; c. If I do hurt someone else, I could be sued and lose both time and money, and ruin my career.

Next time, guys, please think before you leap.

RON E. COOK, Torrance


Stadium bullpens that are as close to the fans as at Wrigley Field should either be moved to a more secure area or have security increased. I’m glad the season is such that the Dodgers don’t have to play there on St. Valentine’s Day.


WAYNE E. SCOTT, Camarillo


After viewing the unsettling situation at Wrigley Field the other day, I suggest that the sale of beer be outlawed. No, wait. If that happens, the beer companies will pull their money out and the players won’t get their wonderful salaries because the owners won’t be able to afford them.

Then they might have to lower ticket prices to lure the average fan back to the stadiums, which wouldn’t be too hard, considering the absence of drunken behavior and . . . aw, don’t be stupid. I’m sure the abuse of alcohol had nothing to do with it. After all, how can anyone have a good time without beer?



What’s the big deal? The Chicago fans probably read Bill Plaschke’s article a couple weeks ago and figured if it’s OK for Dodger fans to throw stuff at players, it’s OK for Chicago fans too. Or maybe the Dodger players read Plaschke’s article and figured if it’s OK for the fans to go onto the field, it must be OK for the players to go into the stands too. Whose side is Plaschke on in this one? (Hint: the right answer is neither).


Oh wait, I just figured it all out: It’s Rocker’s fault.



Nobody can deny that what happened between the Dodgers and rowdy fans at Wrigley Field was unfortunate and ugly. But if the league wants to sanction the Dodgers for their actions, they need to take similar measures to discipline the fans who started the disturbance.

Then again, isn’t being a Cub fan punishment enough?

