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Re “Quackenbush Refuses to Testify, Storms Out,” May 24: It’s now clearly inconceivable that Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush knew nothing of wrongdoing in his department. It’s also inconceivable the administration and legislators charged to control him could all have been clueless he was trading billions in fines for less than a half-cent on the dollar, using the proceeds to his own benefit. They, as has he, have failed their responsibilities.

Gray Davis held the two highest offices throughout this sorry episode. Jackie Speier has headed the Senate Insurance Committee long enough to have had ample opportunity to get wind of this rot. Where were they? Where was the attorney general? Did no one ask questions? Can it be true, as Quackenbush claims: Virtually all elected officials in state government are beholden to the insurance industry? Sadly, it likely can.

Quackenbush is just a symptom. The disease is an insurance industry which purchases entire governments, state and federal, for pin money and profits not from earnings on investment but the pain and suffering of its policyholders.


To file an insurance claim today is to pit oneself against overwhelming financial power and enormous bad faith--not just earthquake claims, but health, auto and almost any other casualty loss.


Studio City


Re “Senator Asks Quackenbush to Release Quake Data,” May 23:

What nut wrote the law giving the insurance commissioner the power to withhold insurance information from the state Legislature and the people of California? Did the citizens of California vote for this law or is this something our lawmakers slipped by us right after taking huge campaign contributions from the insurance industry?

Speier should stop asking and start demanding the information.

How much longer is Quackenbush going to be allowed to spit on the citizens of California and their government representatives?



Simi Valley


Whether it’s a claim stemming from damage from the Northridge earthquake, a fire or an automobile accident, there’s nothing like the frustration of dealing with insurers. They lose your file or your number or use other tactics to dissuade you from ever hoping for just compensation after you’ve paid your premiums on time for years.

Now that The Times has exposed “Quackenquake” and has shown how routine, even institutional, that type of mistreatment is among insurers and how our elected insurance commissioner accepted money and allowed the insurance companies to escape punishment, there’s still little consolation. Unless there’s major reform in the industry, I’ll keep paying my premiums on time and dread when and if I have to deal with an adjuster again. I know I’ll start out on the losing end, fighting a battle of attrition against an industry with unlimited resources.


Santa Monica


Enough about Quackenbush! He is just one more politician who has been bought off by big money. What about the insurance companies? More than Quackenbush they should be treated to an expose. Play fair. Give them your best!



Sun Valley
