
2 Auto Giants Offer AOL Service to Workers

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General Motors Corp. and DaimlerChrysler Corp. said they want to make all their full-time U.S. employees more competitive and productive by putting them on the Internet with America Online for as little as $3 a month. The two auto giants and the United Auto Workers said the move was crucial to putting automotive workers on the cutting edge of technology. Under the deal, employees can opt for basic AOL service on personal computers for only $3 a month, far less than the $21.95 the subscription normally costs. Employees can also choose AOLTV, which accesses the Internet using a television and remote wireless keyboard, for $5 per month, or subscribe to a combination of AOLTV and DirecTV interactive satellite television for $31.95 a month. The companies would not say to what extent AOL or the auto makers would be subsidizing the cost of the Web access. About 200,000 GM employees and 100,000 DaimlerChrysler workers in the U.S. are eligible for the program.
