
Conservation Corps Honors Sen. Wright

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Local members of the California Conservation Corps surprised state Sen. Cathie Wright on Thursday by naming the corps’ area library at Cal State Channel Islands after her.

Wright has been a strong supporter of the corps during her 20 years in the Legislature, said Paul Magie, a conservation administrator for the Camarillo satellite of the corps’ Los Padres Service District.

“It was a symbiotic relationship,” Magie said. “She’s always been a friend.”

Wright, a Simi Valley Republican who is leaving office this year, defended the corps in the early 1990s, when other legislators suggested phasing it out.


“We took our cuts like everyone else but we’re still here,” Magie said.

At the ceremony, held at Cal State Channel Islands, corps officials also presented Wright with a box of corps mementos and served her favorite dessert and drink: cheesecake and diet Dr Pepper.

“This generation that I’m a part of is responsible for the next generation,” Wright said. “We’re all going to be proud of what the corps stands for today, tomorrow and 100 years from now.”
