
Does Sylvester Stallone Pack Enough Punch?

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Sylvester Stallone is “Still Trying to Get It Right” (by Paul Lieberman, Oct. 8)? Hah! When did he get it wrong? So he made some poor movie-role choices. Arnold, Bruce and Harrison have never done that? He had a few bad relationships. So that’s never happened to anyone else? “Rocky” and “Rambo” are part of the American lexicon, and Sly is an icon. If he’s searching for a new persona, then he’ll find one. If he seeks redemption, it will find him.

Troy Westergaard

Via the Internet


Do we really have to suffer through the “male pattern badness” behavior of another repentant celebrity? Surely there are real, interesting and equally sexy people out there to profile--with worthwhile real-world successes and accomplishments--who don’t have to resort to this kind of “redemptive” agent-driven publicity.

June Maguire

Mission Viejo
