
Scout Official Fired

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Re “Scout Official Is Fired After Saying He Is Gay,” Nov. 6: A professional Boy Scouter and Eagle Scout who says he agrees with Boy Scouts of America policies and then admits to being gay deserves to be fired. If he does agree with policies, why does he plan to file a lawsuit?

While communities and organizations decide their stand on this issue, the Scouting program is growing. Monetary support is coming from sources it never did before. A program that has been successful for over 90 years, before this issue took center stage, must be doing something right. The sad thing is that the boys, who are least concerned with this issue, are the ones who lose the most.

Scouting builds character and leadership and instills the values and morals that have made this country strong. Many of the boys in this program will be the leaders of tomorrow. Let’s give them the support they need.



Port Hueneme
