
Rosenkrantz Parole Denied by Davis

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Re “Murderer’s Parents Denounce Davis for Barring Son’s Parole,” Nov. 15: Barbara and Herbert Rosenkrantz should be heartened knowing the system works so well. Prison is rehabilitating their son, the ultimate goal for incarceration. But what is the rush for parole? If Robert Rosenkrantz has done so well in 15 years, let him serve his full sentence and he will have the time to demonstrate he can continue to live as a rehabilitated murderer.

Let’s not forget, Mr. and Mrs. Rosenkrantz, Robert took the life of another human being, who is not in a place rehabilitating his fatal flaws and earning a second chance. Sit tight and grieve a little for the victim.


Palm Desert


The governor’s refusal to grant Rosenkrantz or anyone else parole is an issue that Californians should take an interest in. Under Gov. Gray Davis, the governor-appointed parole board is even more conservative than former Gov. Pete Wilson’s was in granting parole. Out of close to 4,000 parole hearings, they only granted 34 people parole since Davis has been in office, and he overturned all but one, that of a battered woman, a pretty safe political bet. It is hard to believe that out of that huge number there were only 34 people suitable for a parole date.


The governor has everything to gain by keeping as many people as possible locked up indefinitely because a tough-on-crime policy is a proven vote-getter. But the taxpayers and the citizens are the losers. We need to ask ourselves not only whether this is sound fiscal policy but where it will end.


