
CHP Seeks Owner of Ladder Tied to Crash

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The California Highway Patrol is searching for the owner of an aluminum ladder found on the Ronald Reagan Freeway that contributed to an accident in which two teenagers were killed Oct. 20.

The 4-foot ladder was on the freeway near Erringer Road when the driver of a car carrying five Moorpark High School students swerved to avoid it, lost control and then collided with a tree. A 14-year-old girl and a 17-year-old boy died as a result.

The ladder looks old, according to CHP Officer Dave Webb, and has paint and plaster on it. On its side is written “C O Placta,” which Webb said may be the name of a local company.


“We want to do an investigation and find out if maybe it fell out of the back of a pickup,” he said.

“We want to know if it was secured and if the guy knew it fell off.”

Anyone with information about the ladder should call CHP Investigator Russ Regan at 477-4131.
