
LAUSD Employees Return to Jobs

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* Re “5 in Belmont Fiasco to Get New District Jobs Soon,” Nov. 15:

These people deserve to fired for their gross negligence and incompetency, yet they are being given new jobs. In the private sector they would be fired, and that is the way it should be. If ever incompetence is to be corrected and rooted out, people must be held accountable. This is why government agencies have so much waste and incompetence. One can commit the most egregious dereliction of duties and still have a job. Ridiculous!

One can assume from this decision that nothing is really changing in the Los Angeles Unified School District no matter who is in charge, due to these gross flaws in the system itself.




I was livid after reading that five LAUSD officials blamed for failing to properly oversee the Belmont Learning Complex fiasco were returned to work after a one-year administrative leave with full pay. A sixth official chose to retire. Where else can you screw up royally, receive a year’s vacation with pay and get rehired? How do I get a job with the LAUSD?



Granada Hills


Re “The Major Problem at LAUSD Is Poor Planning,” Commentary, Nov. 13: It seems to me the real problem with the LAUSD is not poor planning but is explained quite well in a book titled “The Peter Principle.” For those in the LAUSD who do not understand this fine work, I suggest they pick up a copy right away!


Granada Hills
