
Take the Kids, Please

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Power professionals are just like everyone else--they’d rather be doing something else and would give up a lot to get there, according to Umbershoot https://( an online idea exchange that conducted the decidedly unscientific survey.

Some examples:

* 41% of lawyers said they would sacrifice seeing their children if it meant realizing their dream.

* 42% of doctors said they would rather be broke and pursuing their dream than rich and practicing medicine.


* 8% of investment bankers said they would rather be broke and pursuing their dream.

And what are their dreams?

Well, 47% of chief executives said their lifelong aspiration was to sculpt; 19% said they longed to be musicians and 13% wanted to run a marathon.

For lawyers, many of whom dreamed of writing a book, 56% said it would be an autobiography.

Among investment bankers, 29% wanted to write poetry, and 11% of CEOs wanted to write fairy tales. Only 4% of doctors whose dream was to write a book wanted it to be in the self-help genre.
