
Other economic reports due this week

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* Today, the National Assn. of Purchasing Management will issue its report on the manufacturing sector. In August, the index stood at 49.5. A number above 50 connotes expansion.

* Today, the Commerce Department reports on construction spending in August. It fell 1.6% in July.

* Tuesday, the Commerce Department reports on new-home sales for August. In July, they showed the largest increase in more than seven years.


* Tuedsay, the Conference Board issues its August index of leading economic indicators, intended to project economic growth for the next half year.

* Wednesday, the Commerce Department issues its report on factory orders for August. They fell 7.5% in July, the largest drop on record.

* Thursday, the nation’s largest retailers announce their sales figures for September.

* Friday, the Fed will release its report on consumer credit, which rose $9.4 billion in July.
