
Test-Score Disaster

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Finally, a voice of reason regarding the state’s horribly misguided bonus programs for California schools and teachers (“Test Schemes Look More Like Lotto Than Lessons,” by Brian Stecher, Commentary, Sept. 27). In September, The Times revealed the systematic problems with the Stanford 9 standardized test, yet the governor still insists on throwing huge chunks of money toward questionable short-term gains in these scores.

With all due respect to my fellow educators: A second-year teacher set to receive a $25,000 bonus on a $37,000 salary because of a one-year blip in test scores? What about the 20-year veterans whose results are superior every year, or who consistently graduate 100% of their classes? They get nothing? Unbelievable.

How about a major bonus to every police officer whose arrest statistics jump next year? Imagine the mess that would make out of law enforcement, and you’ll understand what a disaster we are creating in our educational accountability system.



LAUSD teacher, Long Beach
