
Ah, Senator, It’s Not as Simple as ABC

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KRLA radio talk show host Michael Jackson was on the receiving end of one of the quotes in the new book “The 267 Stupidest Things Democrats Ever Said/The 267 Stupidest Things Republicans Ever Said.”

And he was equal to the occasion.

The book, by UCLA professor Ted Rueter, recounts how Sen. Edward Kennedy told Jackson at the outset of a phone interview: “The music of you and your brothers has been an inspiration to millions.”

Jackson--heretofore known as the Jackson One--told me what happened next:

“I responded: ‘Sir, you are the Kennedy who had the charisma bypass, aren’t you?’

“And the interview continued with great natural rhythm.”


NO STYLE POINTS: Harry Hornett of San Juan Capistrano spotted an ad for an Epson Stylus printer that needed to be reprinted with the correct spelling (see accompanying).



JUST ANOTHER DAY ON THE SUNSET STRIP: Denis Rubin noticed a limo, hobbled by a Denver boot, the other morning outside a “gentleman’s club.” (see photo at right). Where were the occupants? And how many days had they been gone?


OLD BUSINESS: I think Pepperdine University ought to shelve that blurb for its business school that I heard on KFWB radio Tuesday. The one that begins; “The year 2000 is nearly here . . . “ Especially when the ad talks about getting students on the fast track.


Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LATIMES, Ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, and at
