
Santa Ana Woman Reports 8th Assault by Serial Rapist

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An eighth victim of the Santa Ana serial rapist has stepped forward, police said.

A 23-year-old woman reported the attack to police after attending a community awareness meeting Tuesday in the area where the attacks have occurred. The woman, who did not come forward earlier, said she was attacked July 30 while waiting for a ride to work.

Her attacker is believed to be the rapist who has so far eluded capture and is terrorizing a 30-block area of north Santa Ana, Santa Ana Police Sgt. Raul Luna said.

On the morning of the attack, the woman was waiting near a carport when she was jumped from behind.


“She said she was waiting at 4 in the morning to get picked up to go to work when she was approached from behind by a male who said if she didn’t do what he wanted her to do he would kill her,” Luna said.

With knife in hand, the attacker began to force the victim toward a secluded area in the apartment complex. At that point, someone driving a car toward the two noticed the woman was in trouble and began flashing the car’s headlights off and on. The attacker panicked, let go of the woman and fled.

The woman, who had been in this country for only a few months, did not report the attack to police earlier because she did not know what to do. She is believed to be the second victim of the man, whose attacks began July 14.


Although the woman broke free of the attacker, Luna said authorities are looking at it, like the other seven attacks, as a sexual assault.

“Because of the type of person this guy is, it’s the same guy and we know what his intentions are,” Luna said. “His intentions are to force sexual acts upon these vulnerable, innocent women.”

All the assaults occurred behind walls of gated apartment complexes along 17th Street between the Santa Ana River and the Santa Ana Freeway. Besides the first and second incidents, the other attacks occurred Aug. 18, Sept. 10 (two), Sept. 26 (two) and Oct. 2.


In all cases, the rapist waited in a dark area and surprised the women from behind. Wielding a knife, he threatened to kill the women if they didn’t comply with his demands.

Investigators have received more than 200 leads, and 30 officers are working around the clock on the case, including uniformed patrolmen in the area of the attacks, Luna said .

“We consider it to be a very active investigation,” Luna said. “The information appears to be credible, and we’re getting more information we feel that brings us closer to identifying the person responsible for the attacks.”

The rapist is described as Latino, about 25, 5 feet, 7 inches tall and 150 pounds. He has a light complexion, distinctive eyes, slicked-back hair and, most recently, a large pimple on his nose.

Investigators ask that anyone with information about the man or the incidents call the Santa Ana Police Department at (714) 245-8701.
