
Buchanan’s Ad

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Re “Buchanan Immigration Ad Met With Quick Criticism,” Oct. 10: I thought the Buchanan Reform Party “meatball ad” [a man chokes on a meatball after hearing on a news broadcast that English is no longer America’s official language; he calls 911 and passes out while listening to a menu of language options] was right on the money. It was not only witty and pointed to get my attention, but it woke me up to a real issue (unlike the boring debates!). Ultimately, I took home from the ad a message of unity and acceptance--in this country our English language is a major point of unity (not to mention that English is the primary language of international business and even of the air traffic controllers and pilots).

It’s also an issue of acceptance--the acceptance of this country by the immigrants who decide to live here. My grandparents were from Eastern Europe and did not speak English when they came here, but they quickly learned English so that my grandfather could get a job and so they could be part of their community and of America. Pat Buchanan has a good idea for America.



* Kowtow to the divide-and-conquer approach of the Democrats and Republicans? No way. We are not hyphenated Americans, speaking dozens of historical languages. We are American Americans, and we speak English. And vote for those who support it. Keep it in mind, politicians.



