
How About a Little Tolerance for Athletes?

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Regarding (“Triathlon Has Motorists Feeling a Bit Rundown,” Sept 13): I’m not sure if I should be angry for the shots in the story (I was one of the 2,100 amateur athletes in the L.A. Triathlon) or happy that you gave the sport a little publicity. There are a lot of points I’d like to address, but I think I’ll settle on just one: tolerance.

While riding through the streets during the competition, I saw and heard several people screech their tires and drive off fast in another direction. Thank God these idiots didn’t hit a pedestrian in their haste to find an alternate route. What’s wrong with a little patience?

I think most participants realize that a lot of people were affected. I’d like to say thank you to everyone who was inconvenienced for a few hours while we participated in a sport that we love.



