
Police Protest

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* Re “Rubber Bullets Used to Break Up Violent Protest,” Oct. 23:

It is unfortunate that this long-planned event to voice legitimate concerns will now be remembered for such destructive behavior on both sides. It seems that the organizers of the Oct. 22 Coalition to Stop Police Brutality had tried to do right by the law, in obtaining permits and providing monitors for the event. Instead, the eloquence of the stories of people such as the woman pictured with the poster of her son was lost in the throwing of bottles and the driving of police vehicles into the crowd.

We know that those protesters arrested will be prosecuted and punished. What I want to know is what is going to happen to the officers mentioned: “Officer Garcia,” who rammed his [bicycle] into a crowd of people taunting him with words; and the officers who rode their motorcycles onto the sidewalk, deliberately targeting the civilian monitors who were there to prevent trouble. If the LAPD wants to have its rhetoric of reform taken seriously, then these are the types of officers’ bad actions that must be addressed.

Small elements of both sides are clearly culpable, and it is frustrating that this contingent of angry, rash officers and angry, rash protesters took control away from the positive potential of this event. Bottles and fire were unnecessary and stupid, and so was firing rubber bullets at people trying to move along.





I say if demonstrators are out on a Sunday with nothing better to do than take over and surround Parker Center while chanting “Who let the pigs out?” then they deserve it.

To demonstrators: Why not do something worthwhile and creative with your time? Go to church, volunteer, do charity work. Now, did you really accomplish anything? I say not.


