
39: Schools Benefit, Tax Limit Removed

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Regarding Prop. 39, on school bond proposals: The deductibility of mortgage-interest payments on federal and state tax returns represents a giveaway to property owners that amounts to hundreds of billions of dollars annually, not even counting the effect of this policy on increasing property values. So here is an offer to property owners who oppose Prop. 39 to help our public schools: Supporters will give up Prop. 39 in exchange for you giving up the mortgage-interest deduction and earmarking the new revenues for the schools.

Doesn’t sound very good, does it? Property owners (including me) receive enormous benefits from our tax code that renters do not receive. It is time for all Californians to rally around improving our schools. Absolutely, positively, vote yes on Prop. 39.


Santa Monica


Where will this blatant attempt to circumvent Prop. 13 end? Prop. 39 is another ploy to remove the property tax limit of 1%, and renters are sadly mistaken if they think it doesn’t affect them. Where do they think their landlord gets the money to pay his property tax?


Two governors endorse Prop. 39. That fact alone should tell the tale. Everyone who pays rent or mortgage payments benefits from the 1% property tax limit mandated by Prop. 13. Please don’t be suckered in by the school-issue plot and destroy what serves you best.


North Hills


Excuse me, but after reading letters (Oct. 23) from outraged taxpayers voicing opposition to Prop. 39, I’d like to ask just one question: Since when is it OK in our so-called democracy for 33.34% of the voters to hold the rest of us hostage, as they do under the present law? It’s “the majority rules while protecting minority rights” not “the minority rules.” I urge all those who care about restoring democracy to California to vote yes on 39.


