
Candidates for Supervisor

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* Re “With Labor Day Here, Politicians Go to Work,” Sept. 3.

In this article, Jim Monahan cavalierly dismisses Steve Bennett’s qualifications for county supervisor. Bennett’s degree in economics from Brown University and his service on the Ventura City Council Budget Committee do not stack up, Monahan says, to Monahan’s “real practical experience” running his family’s welding business or his own time as a councilman. In my 18 years as a business professional, I have more than once had people tell me I had to adjust to “real-world experience.” It invariably means the same thing: Someone who has compromised his principles wants me to compromise mine.

This is Monahan’s pattern. He wormed his way into a runoff election for a county position by taking a meaningless position on a state proposition. But as of this date, he can’t decide where he stands on Measure O. Nobody has told him yet which position will get him the most votes.

Steve Bennett has principles. He tells you what he will do for the county without first asking what you want to hear. I think that is a good thing.





Re “Gage Says He Left Monahan Over Campaign Disagreements,” Sept. 2.

When I read this article about [supervisorial candidate] Jim Monahan’s campaign manager having quit, and his account of how disorganized Monahan is, I could only wonder: If he can’t put together a cohesive campaign team and work well with them, how would he handle the office of county supervisor? How would he work with the rest of the board? And what does this reveal about his overall management skills?

His record as a Ventura City Council member offers little--if any--reassurance.


