
Goldfingers Getting More Midas Touches: Seventeen, Krobar

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I’ve always believed that William Burroughs was bad for rock ‘n’ roll. Too many self-proclaimed heroin “dabblers” think they won’t die because Burroughs didn’t. That old fool just got lucky. . . . James Carter didn’t. The Hollywood scene is still mourning the loss of the Dragonfly bar-back who apparently OD’d two weeks ago. Take a cue from tattoo artist Mark Mahoney and trade in old vices for a Red Bull. It’s got twice the kick, and you get to live.

Took a power powwow with Vandals bassist (and entertainment attorney) Joe Escalante at his Kung-Fu Records office and swore I was mind-trippin’ in Pee-Wee’s Playhouse. When I entered, a mini-marquee with my name on it offered me a Kung-Fu welcome.

Then Joe showed me photos of his new hobby: bullfighting. The Vandals next big show is at the Palladium Nov. 10. Escalante’s next bullfight is in San Felipe, Mexico, on Saturday. . . . Two of our favorite scene-stars are launching new clubs at Goldfingers. Apollo Starr makes his debut with Seventeen, a new Friday night dance scene featuring ‘70s disco, funk and lotsa junk. Scream promoter Dayle Gloria is set to launch yet another of live rock called Krobar on Tuesdays starting Oct. 10. Save that date because Lo-Ball, Ripe and Mark Curry are scheduled to perform. Apparently singer-songwriter Curry’s Monday night Scream set sizzled. . . . In more new news, Ricky Vodka just started a Monday night of his own, and this one’s for the kids. Vodka, who promotes the Cadillac Club at Goldfingers on Thursday, is offering all-ages rock shows at the Whisky, which gives any L.A. kid with wheels a leg up.


Hey, just ask Cameron Crowe. There’s a future in rock--especially if you listen to your mum and stay away from the pusher man.
