
Wen Ho Lee

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* How many times do we have to see our government at all levels, federal, state and county, charging individuals with multiple counts of crimes? The power of these prosecutors to destroy any individual they choose is frightening. Wen Ho Lee is a prime example, with 59 counts charged and 58 dropped (Sept. 11-12).

The FBI lies about polygraph results, secrecy of documents and the “danger” of the individual so he can be confined, treated like an animal and financially and psychologically destroyed. Since torture is not allowed, these methods are employed to cow him to “confess” or face life in prison. Reminds me of the show trials in the USSR. When the truth comes out and they are finally forced to back off, how do they fix this man’s life? Sounds like the government is just face-saving now and hopes everyone will just forget about it. When is your turn?


Woodland Hills


One day Dr. Lee represented a danger to national security and therefore could not be released on $1-million bail with the provision of severe restrictions on his activities. The next he is to be released for time served and a commitment to search for missing computer tapes.


Did Lee achieve a miraculous change or has the government’s credibility just taken a massive nose dive?


