
LAPD Oversight

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Let me see if I understand this. The same Justice Department that sent Wen Ho Lee to jail for nine months only to drop 58 of 59 charges against him now wants the residents of Los Angeles to entrust our entire Police Department to its care because the department has a “pattern and practice” of abuse.

I do not trust the Justice Department. I do not believe in its agenda. I do not believe they are honest. And if I were an LAPD officer, I’d flee to another agency before I find myself facing 58 baseless, politically motivated, farcical charges.

Janet Reno, buzz off!




I can think of several reasons why the U.S. Justice Department should appoint an ombudsman to oversee the LAPD: Eulia Love, Rodney King, Margaret Mitchell, vigilante SIS officers, corrupt cops like Rafael Perez.


The fact that the mayor and Chief Bernard Parks are against any federal oversight is all the more reason it is needed.


Los Angeles
