
Political ‘View’ Has Some Bite in Message

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Theresa Rebeck’s sharply written comedy “View of the Dome,” produced by Theatre Neo at the Egyptian Arena Theater, is about a minor campaign worker caught up in a sexual scandal, but this isn’t a Monica and Bill story.

Rebeck’s play predates the Lewinsky rumors and revelations. Her protagonist is a lawyer in love, Emma (Laura Skill alternating with Carrie Robinson), who builds a minor social snub into a slur campaign against her former professor, first-time political candidate, Arthur Woolf (Ray Proscia), and his sponsoring senator, Geoffrey Maddox (Scott Connell).

Director Colin Campbell deftly moves this talented ensemble between the past and the present. Carolyn Hennesy is luminous as a modern-day courtesan and Emma’s nemesis, outshining Skill’s Emma. Matthew T. Wilson as Emma’s boyfriend and Woolf’s campaign manager is likably earnest; Proscia’s Woolf glows with idealism that’s slowly tarnished and Connell’s senator oozes the arrogance of a brash womanizer.


Yet Emma puzzles. Willow Tomkins’ costume design signals this lawyer hasn’t heard of power dressing. Emma’s thin-strapped high heels say “flirtation,” not “career woman,” as she stands dressed in pink and lavender among the more serious-toned fitted suits or casual khakis of the other principals.

Skill shows little psychological depth, and her Emma just surrenders to the flow of events.

Rebeck’s script takes on the political machine of compromise, Christian fundamentalists and Hollywood’s fondness for fictionalizing fact. She provides some biting social commentary, but it’s blunted toward the end, as the range of topics widens.


Still, in a post-Lewinsky world, her moral is clear: Minor acts of meanness can make great men fall, at least temporarily.

* “View of the Dome,” Theatre Neo at Egyptian Arena Theater, 1625 N. Las Palmas Ave., Hollywood. Thursdays-Saturdays, 8 p.m.; Sundays, 3 p.m. Ends Oct. 22. $20. (323) 769-5858. Running time: 1 hour, 55 minutes.
