
Actors’ Strike Coverage

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* You are right, in the Monday-morning quarterbacking that goes on, the Screen Actors Guild leadership might have made some different choices [“Advertisers, Actors Likely to Strike Out, End in a Tie,” The Biz, Sept. 15]. However, that does not erase the fact that we are living in a time when advertisers are making more profits than ever and are requesting a rollback.

Though the union leadership might be feeling pressure, the rank and file are determined to stick it out as long as it takes. The issues are too important, and I wish wholeheartedly you had an idea of what it takes to be an actor in a town with runaway production and a mayor who doesn’t seem to care.

Please tell us what we can do to get the attention of our leadership when we have done everything but streak down Wilshire Boulevard. Will that get a picture on the front page of The Times? Sure, entertainment is a business, but gosh, how many janitors did it take to get their story on the front page? You certainly didn’t take five months for that.


You might pooh-pooh the idea that the media has willingly pushed these issues to the back pages, but it stands to reason the politicians would most certainly pay attention to something that makes front-page news. And SAG has no control over what goes on your front page, do we?


