
Toll of Expanded Foothill Corridor

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Re “Transit’s Critical Mass,” (March 26):

Your article regarding the extension of the Foothill toll road addresses the concerns of the environmental community relative to the extension’s impact, and the concern of proponents about protests at upcoming meetings. It is implied that the need for this extension has been widely recognized as the panacea to reduce congestion on the Santa Ana Freeway.

What is puzzling is that it is not clear how this extension is going to reduce this congestion. Without the toll road, southbound traffic, regardless of its origin (Los Angeles or Orange County), must travel the freeway to get to San Diego and beyond. It seems unlikely that Los Angeles or Orange County folks traveling to San Diego would want to travel inland to pick up the toll road off the Riverside Freeway and breeze south, just to meet the freeway and its horrendous traffic just south of San Clemente.

All this would do is facilitate a traffic jam where the two roads merge, and the backup through San Clemente, which is especially bad in the summer, would not change.


A more practical solution would be to set up a plan to facilitate more access to Interstate 15, which crosses the Riverside Freeway about 10 miles northeast of the toll-road intersection. This seems more worthwhile than moving the Santa Ana Freeway congestion a little farther south.


San Juan Capistrano


The purpose of a recent toll-road hearing in San Clemente was to present evidence to the Federal Highway Administration. Forty-six people spoke out against the road, voicing environmental concerns; only three spoke in favor of building a toll road.

In spite of starting 20 minutes late, the Orange County Transportation Corridor Agencies packed up and left before all of those who wanted to speak had a chance. During the public comment section, TCA’s employees hovered rudely in the entryway and didn’t bother to listen to the speakers; TCA’s moderator was arrogant and didn’t address concerns of the audience. No one present felt that his or her voice was heard or appreciated by the TCA and certainly not by the highway administration.


No one feels confident that comments will be forwarded to the highway administration. How can we trust TCA when they answer to their bondholders before the public?

This issue isn’t going away, and opposition to the TCA and its road is growing by leaps and bounds. Maybe it’s time for TCA to be removed from the environmental process in order for that process to be legitimate.


San Clemente


I’ve been to city council meetings that go hours past midnight, so I found it shocking and disappointing when TCA walked out on its own public meeting Monday night at only 9:30. TCA started late and then denied about a dozen speakers the right to be heard. If TCA was so sure their sprawl-inducing, money-pit toll road is needed, they wouldn’t be so afraid of the process the public wants.


Take notice TCA, the line in the sand has been drawn and you will not steamroll your way through this one.


