
Round 2 of INS at Anaheim Jail

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Re “Caution on INS at Anaheim Jail” (Editorial, March 25):

The credibility of the Latino protest group against Anaheim and the federal Immigration and Naturalization Service keeps “cropping up” primarily because of one, Nativo Lopez, the self-appointed leader of the protest. He vows civil disobedience if Anaheim doesn’t break its ties with the INS and demands that Anaheim change its policy, yet he claims this is not a “threat.”

As the editorial suggests, Anaheim must use restraint and common sense to avoid racial profiling, but this must be done with realistic consideration of protecting all residents of Anaheim. If crime areas are ignored by the police in the interest of eliminating racial profiling, as the activists seem to demand, our ability to control crime is seriously impaired.

Anaheim has a long and highly respected reputation for professional civil management by the City Council, its staff and the Anaheim Police Department. So far it appears the federal government as represented by the INS and our local police are setting an excellent example of effective cooperation to solve what should be of interest to all law-abiding citizens. Neither Anaheim nor the INS is running amok in the streets arresting at random.





I’m sure The Times’ editorial staff is in favor of all people being treated equally. After all, it’s a basic tenet of living in the United States. Unless of course you are an undocumented worker, in which case you are more than equal.

Suppose you came home from work and found out a burglar had just broken into your home and was ransacking it. You called the police and they said, “Sorry, we can’t help you. We can only try to stop the burglar before he gets into your home. Once he gets in, he can do as he pleases. And, by the way, you have to take care of any needs he might have too!”

Well, violating immigration is against the law, period. There are no ifs, ands or buts about it. The Times just doesn’t recognize hypocrisy and racism when it’s done by its own editors.



