
Parents Need to Be Involved

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With all the tragedies that have been committed recently in our schools, one can only wonder why? Of all the crimes, how many could have been prevented if we would only listen?

People need to start paying more attention to what others are saying and doing. Parents need to know what their child is doing. This could help stop a problem before it starts.


Mission Viejo


The school environment should be free of violence, and students like me should not feel threatened on campus. Action must be taken immediately. I was appalled to see the ages in some of the school-shooting cases, and it made me wonder what the parents are doing. How is it possible for the staff of a school to regulate the bullying present in every school across America?


If students believe the only way to resolve problems is to kill the people they do not get along with, we have bigger problems at hand.

The only solution is to keep guns away from the young.




I know this is scary, but speaking to your child and establishing rapport will enable you to learn how your child is functioning in society. If you know he or she is having problems at school with bullying, speak to school officials or speak to your child and reassure him there are ways to escape bullying, none of which includes bringing a firearm to school. Also, emphasize that violence is never the way to solve a problem, in school or in life. As far as bullies’ parents are concerned, emphasize to your child that picking on others won’t be tolerated. Teach your children from an early age to accept differences. If you talk to us about these things, we’ll listen.




As a senior at Woodbridge High School, I have witnessed the change in the atmosphere of learning. I never thought there would be a time where I would be scared of my classmates, whom I have been going to school with all my life. It truly is sad because it directly affects our education.


There is no way that schools can give the personal attention each student needs. Parents are responsible for attending [to] the needs of a child. If parents start to invest in their children, school violence will go down. Most kids are just trying to find a way to get attention. Why don’t we give it to them?


