
MLS May Not Let Galaxy Get Clubbed This Summer

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These are early days yet, but the Galaxy’s slow start to the Major League Soccer season already has raised doubts about the team’s ability to compete successfully at the second FIFA World Club Championship in Spain this summer.

There is a belief that Coach Sigi Schmid will somehow have to strengthen his roster before the Galaxy leaves for Europe in July.

Recognizing the importance of a good showing by the Galaxy, MLS has indicated that it would be willing to help, but only to a certain extent.


“We have to be conscious of the fact that while some of our teams are in these [international] tournaments, others are not,” Ivan Gazidis, the league’s deputy commissioner, said recently.

“And we can’t do things for those teams that would give them an unfair advantage in MLS play because ultimately it’s our league and its credibility that is the most important thing. We need a level playing field between our teams.

“Certainly, for the World Club Championship that’s something that we’re going to look at. If Los Angeles feels that there are ways that the league could support them that would significantly help their team, we will look at that.”


When he was in Pasadena last week, MLS Commissioner Don Garber said he believed FIFA would allow Los Angeles to add a loan player or two for the 12-team tournament, to be played in Madrid and La Coruna July 29-Aug. 12.

That doesn’t mean, however, that MLS is going to go out and sign, say, one or two top international players to short-term contracts merely to help Los Angeles. It won’t happen.

“One of the things we have to be careful about,” Gazidis said, “is [that] we want the team that plays in Spain to be an MLS team made up of MLS players. We don’t want to lose sight of that.”


In any case, he added, no one at the Galaxy has pushed the panic button, even though the team has lost two of its first three MLS games.

“It’s not clear that L.A. is seeking that type of assistance,” Gazidis said. “I think Sigi’s feelings have been that it’s important for his team’s sense of itself that he shows confidence in the players that he has to go to Spain and do a great job for him.

“I’m not sure that Sigi is looking for short-term help for that tournament.”

What is possible, however, is that the Galaxy will add at least one and possibly two of its draft picks that have not yet been signed by MLS.

One of them is Trinidad and Tobago national team midfielder Brent Rahim, who won an NCAA title at Connecticut last season and who has delayed joining MLS while he ponders a possible move to Europe.

Rahim spent a recent week training with the Galaxy in order to learn about the players and coaches. He said the idea of playing in the world championship appealed to him and said he also is impressed that the Galaxy will have a new stadium in place next year.

But, he stressed, he has not made up his mind.

Meanwhile, Schmid hopes that another draft pick, midfielder Robert Russell of Duke, also will be available.


“We haven’t given up on Robbie yet, either,” he said.

Considering that both players were drafted by the Galaxy, adding them to the roster for Spain would seem to be well within the bounds of fair play, even if it means MLS allowing the Galaxy to exceed the roster limit.

Meanwhile, the Galaxy travels to Mexico to play Chivas of Guadalajara on Tuesday and its performance in that game will provide a better indication of just how much help, if any, the team needs.
