
‘Anarchy Online’ Breaks Out but Bogs Down Technically

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“Anarchy Online” is the latest entrant into the world of massively multi-player online role-playing games.

The pioneers in the field were “EverQuest,” “Ultima Online” and “Asheron’s Call”--all sword-and-sorcery games in which players take on the roles of wizards, swordsmen and archers.

The newcomer takes a completely different tack. “Anarchy Online” takes place in a grim future world. It is the first in the genre to break out into science fiction.


“Anarchy Online” is easily one of the most addictive and interesting games to come out this year. The only problem is that it’s broken.

Oh, it works to some extent. It must, since I have a Level 31 doctor character. But it has been a painful 31 levels of computer crashes, massive lag and utter frustration.

In its present state, the game is nearly unplayable. During peak hours, players spend most of their time wallowing in an unbelievable mire of lag--that is, if they are not crashing.

Unlike the other games in this genre, “Anarchy Online” puts all players on a single server. On one hand, this is great news for people with lots of online friends. No more searching across dozens of servers to find your partners in adventure.

But the single-server strategy doesn’t seem to work very well. It just can’t handle the thousands of players who are online at any one time.

It’s a ridiculous situation. No matter how good this game is, it doesn’t matter because the lag is so bad.


What is sad is that “Anarchy Online”--when it works--is amazing.

Despite its major technical problems, this game could well be the model for all massively multi-player games to come.

Visually, it is stunning. The landscapes are huge, detailed, picturesque visions. The weather and sunsets can be breathtaking. The variation in characters are numerous and well-rendered.

Little details such as flocks of pigeons on a city walkway that scatter as you approach them show the love the developers put into crafting this world. Unfortunately, I have had to turn off most of the graphics options to make the game more stable to play.

The sounds in the game are equally terrific. This is one of the first games I have played whose sounds I did not turn off right away in favor of my MP3 jukebox. But, unfortunately, the game plays much better with them turned off, so I am back to my MP3 jukebox.

“Anarchy Online” is no elf-hugging fantasy game. It takes place in the distant future on the planet of Rubi-Ka, where the mega-corporation Omni-Tek is bent on stripping the planet of its precious natural resources.

Omni-Tek is engaged in a battle with rebel clan factions for control of the planet. When you enter the world, you choose to be on one of the two sides or part of the neutral faction.


The world has four races, with names such as Solitus and Androgynous Atrox. Within each race, players can choose from among 12 professions, including doctor, soldier and nano-technician.

There are about 75 skills in the game that players can develop, from mechanical engineering to assault-rifle expertise.

It’s up to you to develop the skills that fit your playing style. With so many options, every character should be different.

There are many innovative ideas built into the game. For example, it has self-generated missions that create personal mini-zones to explore for rewards. That makes it much easier to jump into the game, play for an hour and log out for the night.

The developers also have set up an interesting trade-skill system, although not all the features are functional. It appears that players will be able to craft almost any item in the game, such as weapons, body implants and skill-enhancing drugs. Hopefully, once this gets implemented, it will work to help generate a good player economy.

I must admit I am addicted to this game, despite the massive lag, the constant disconnects and the all-around frustration of a game that is basically still a beta product.


Funcom, the game’s developer, slowly is working through the problems. I think, I hope, I pray it will get the game up to 100% in the next few months.

Until then, enjoy your elf-hugging for a while.


Kenn Gold is a freelance writer.


The Skinny

“Anarchy Online”

Genre: Massively multi-player online role-playing

Platform: PC

Minimum requirements: Pentium II 300 MHz, 64 MB of RAM, Direct3D-compatible video card, 700 MB of free hard drive space, Internet connection using a 28.8-Kbps modem

Recommended system: Pentium III 450 MHz, 128 MB of RAM, Direct3D-compatible video card with 32 MB of RAM, 8x CD-ROM drive, 1 GB of free hard drive space, Internet connection using a 56-Kbps modem

Price: $50 for the software plus $12.95 a month

Publisher: Funcom

The good: A rich online sci-fi world that challenges the best of the sword-and-sorcery worlds

The bad: Lag, lag, lag

Bottom line: A great game that isn’t ready for prime time
