
Albertson’s Troubles Hardly a Surprise

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As a consumer who used to buy all the family’s groceries at the local Lucky supermarket, I’m wholly unsurprised at word of cutbacks at Albertson’s “[Albertson’s Feeling Growth Pangs,” July 19].

They bought out Lucky, the “low-price leader,” solemnly promising to keep the pricing policy that had made Lucky so successful. Remember those “wedding” commercials?

In the second week after the takeover, a 30-ounce can of Lucky refried beans jumped from $1.09 (and often 99 cents) to $1.32, more than the price of the name-brand version of the same product. Similar price increases rippled throughout the food stacks.


To add insult to injury, Albertson’s forced clerks to recite, “You saved X dollars today,” after every purchase.

Michael Jelf



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